Wolf’s ‘green’ Agenda Is Fueling Putin’s War Machine

Wolf’s ‘green’ agenda is fueling Putin’s war machine

Op-Ed by Matt Brouillette. The following commentary originally appeared at the Delaware Valley Journal. As Russian President Vladimir Putin’s brutal attacks on Ukraine continue, Americans are waking up to the true cost of denying energy realities around the world. Well,…

Commonwealth Partners Blasts Wolf For Fueling Putin’s War Machine

Commonwealth Partners Blasts Wolf for Fueling Putin’s War Machine

Commonwealth Partners Blasts Wolf for Fueling Putin’s War Machine Unleashing PA’s Energy Potential Would Help Ukrainian People HARRISBURG, March 3, 2022— In response to Gov. Wolf’s unconscionable press release today targeting lawmakers for their efforts to help the people of…

Commonwealth Partners Endorses Carrie Lewis DelRosso For Lieutenant Governor

Commonwealth Partners endorses Carrie Lewis DelRosso for Lieutenant Governor

Commonwealth Partners Endorses Carrie Lewis DelRosso for Lieutenant Governor Businesswoman and state Rep. DelRosso offers both public- and private-sector leadership HARRISBURG, February 23, 2022—Today, Commonwealth Partners Chamber of Entrepreneurs, a membership association representing employers and employees across Pennsylvania, announced its…

More data the Wolf administration says it doesn’t have

Op-Ed by Gina Diorio. The following commentary originally appeared at Broad + Liberty. When it comes to transparency, what’s unsaid is sometimes more important than what’s said. Last month in these pages, I asked if the Wolf administration would follow the…

Top 10 Contributors To Judicial Candidates

Top 10 Contributors to Judicial Candidates

We've compiled lists of the Top 10 contributors to each judicial candidate. These totals include both direct and in-kind contributions as well as independent expenditures. Click here to download the below document   Click here to download the below document…

Justice Needs Her Blindfold Back

Justice needs her blindfold back

Op-Ed by Matthew J. Brouillette. This piece has appeared in several media outlets in Pa. Justice is blind. At least, that’s what we’re told. But when judges’ rulings consistently align with the special interests that elected them — even to…

Op-Ed: The many unanswered questions for AG Josh Shapiro

Op-Ed by Gina Diorio. The following commentary originally appeared at Broad + Liberty. Democrat Attorney General Josh Shapiro isn’t shy about his gubernatorial ambitions. Although he hasn’t formally announced his candidacy, he’s clearly running. And Gov. Tom Wolf has already endorsed…

Our 2021 General Election Endorsements

Our 2021 General Election Endorsements

We are pleased to announce our full slate of endorsements for the 2021 General Election for Pennsylvania judicial elections for Supreme, Superior, and Commonwealth courts. Click here to download this PDF

Harrisburg’s hottest lies

Op-Ed by Matthew J. Brouillette. The following commentary originally appeared in the Sunbury Daily Item. “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” This quote, whose true origin remains up for debate,…