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News & Brews January 11 2022

Get News & Brews in your inbox each day: Subscribe here! Supreme Court denies King's Bench petition for redistricting cases Yesterday, the state Supreme Court denied requests to exercises its King's Bench power in two redistricting cases that ask the…

News & Brews January 10 2022

Get News & Brews in your inbox each day: Subscribe here! Union says close schools (again) unless more COVID mandates imposed You'd think that after the devastation kids have experienced during school closures—from learning loss to increased mental health challenges—teachers'…

News & Brews January 7 2022

Get News & Brews in your inbox each day: Subscribe here! Wolf's interpretation of his record contradicts reality The Morning Call has an amusing op-ed by Gov. Wolf, in which he recounts his (imagined) record then shares some goals for…

News & Brews January 6 2022

Get News & Brews in your inbox each day: Subscribe here! GOP gov candidates face off in first debate More than a dozen GOP gubernatorial hopefuls took to the stage last night in their first debate, which touched on issues…

News & Brews January 5 2022

Get News & Brews in your inbox each day: Subscribe here! GOP debate tonight as more candidates announce for Gov., Lt. Gov. Get ready! From 7-8:30 pm tonight, GOP candidates for governor will square off in their first debate, which…

News & Brews January 4 2022

Get News & Brews in your inbox each day: Subscribe here! Another year, another turnpike toll hike For the 14th consecutive year, turnpike tolls went up, as this year's hike went into effect on Sunday. The most common passenger car…

News & Brews December 29 2021

Get News & Brews in your inbox each day: Subscribe here! Political stories that happened ... and didn't ... in 2021 From election reform to amending our state constitution, the Delaware Valley Journal looks at five political stories—three that happened…

News & Brews December 23 2021

Get News & Brews in your inbox each day: Subscribe here! Court ready to step in on congressional map if no agreement reached In response to lawsuits requesting that the courts take over the congressional redistricting process, the Commonwealth Court…

News & Brews December 22 2021

Get News & Brews in your inbox each day: Subscribe here! Supreme Court rules against Marsy's Law For more than two years, a proposed victims' rights amendment to our state constitution has been in limbo pending a legal challenge arguing…

News & Brews December 21 2021

Get News & Brews in your inbox each day: Subscribe here! New Castle mayor announces run for Lt. Gov. New Castle Mayor Chris Frye is running for lieutenant governor, the Meadville Tribune reports. Frye, a Republican, was elected mayor in…