News & Brews December 16, 2022
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House power struggle: Special elections edition
PennLive reports that in the latest development in the struggle over which party has a majority in the House, Republican House Leader Bryan Cutler has issued writs of election for May 16 (the same day as the primary election) for two open seats left vacant by the resignation of Reps. Austin Davis and Summer Lee. Democrat Leader Joanna McClinton—claiming a Democrat majority despite her party holding fewer numerical seats due to the vacancies—previously issued writs of election for Feb. 7 for the seats, along with a third seat left vacant by the passing of Rep. Tony DeLuca. Cutler had also previously scheduled this election for Feb. 7.
Where do teachers’ union dues go?
Mike Antonucci of The 74 breaks down what the National Education Association does with $375 million in annual dues. Guess what: Millions go to far-left political outfits, including the State Engagement Fund, which has ties to George Soros.
Wolf to ‘second-guess’ COVID actions ‘until the day I die’
In an interview with Spotlight PA, Gov. Wolf said yesterday that when it comes to the actions he took at the start of the COVID pandemic, “I’m going to be second-guessing myself until the day I die.” Spotlight reminds us that Pa. was “one of few states that would decide on its own which categories of businesses would close and which would remain open….That created a vastly unequal and inconsistent system, and put government bureaucrats in the position of making decisions that could decide if a business ultimately survived or went under.” Regarding a report from the state auditor general “that found the waiver program to be inconsistent and unfair,” Wolf said the report was “right on the mark.”
Innamorato to run for Allegheny County executive
State Rep. Sara Innamorato, whom WESA calls “one of the key figures in a progressive movement that has had an impact at almost every level of government in Allegheny County,” has announced she will run for the Democrat nomination for Allegheny County executive next year. Current County Executive Rich Fitzgerald is term-limited and cannot run for re-election. Innamorato joins a crowded field of Democrats that so far includes former Congressional candidate Erin McClelland, City Controller Michael Lamb, County Council Member Liv Bennett and attorney Dave Fawcett.
Watch here: Toomey delivers farewell speech
Sen. Pat Toomey delivered his farewell address to the Senate yesterday. PennLive reportsthat he used the address “to extoll the virtues of ‘personal freedom,’ saying that, ‘Economic freedom is a fundamental aspect of personal freedom.'” He also urged the Republican party not to be “beholden to one man.” You can watch his full speech here.