News & Brews May 28, 2024

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Dem treasurer nominee stakes out position against educational opportunity

Democrat state treasurer nominee Erin McClelland recently indicated that if the Legislature and Gov. Shapiro enact educational opportunity scholarships for students trapped in failing schools, she’ll fight all the way to the state Supreme Court to make sure these children don’t get this help. This led incumbent Republican Treasurer Stacy Garrity to note that “having a Treasurer pick and choose which bills to pay based on personal views would be incredibly reckless and dangerous.”

Will abortion and Pa. suburban women determine 2024 election? 

RealClear Pennsylvania Editor Charles McElwee looks at wealthy Radnor Township in suburban Delaware County as a microcosm of what’s happening in the ‘burbs when it comes to abortion and voters’ views of Trump and Biden. He points to a recent Philadelphia Inquirer/New York Times/Siena College poll, which found “abortion is the single issue where Pennsylvania voters trust Biden over Trump, who leads on crime and the economy.”

Biden returning to Philly this week

President Joe Biden will be back campaigning in Philly tomorrow in what the Inquirer reports “will be his fifth visit to the area and seventh to Pennsylvania this year.” His “frequent stops” in Pa. “underscore the importance of the Philadelphia region — and the swing state as a whole….”

Are young voters a problem for Biden? 

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Page Editor Brandon McGinley challenges a common reaction to a recent poll showing Trump’s strength over Biden among young voters ages 18-29. McGinley writes, “These results ha[ve] been deployed to delegitimize the … poll, because everybody knows Mr. Trump isn’t actually leading among young voters. To which I respond: Do we?” While the poll showed “twice as many young people sympathize with Palestine as with Israel … a paltry 4% named Gaza as their top issue. The real top issue among young people: the economy.” Meanwhile, young voters want a change, and “Biden is the candidate of the status quo.”

Ad spending shows Pa. is key to presidential race 

NPR reports that since March 6—the day after Super Tuesday—over $72.1 million has been spent on TV, digital, satellite, and radio ads in the presidential race. Seven states, one of which is Pa., have accounted for nearly 70% of this spending. Specifically, $21.2 million has been spent in Pa., meaning “almost $3 out of every $10 spent is going to one state.”

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