A diverse group of state and local business and community leaders, philanthropists and successful entrepreneurs, who are dedicated to improving the economic environment and educational opportunities for all Pennsylvanians.
Commonwealth Partners’ activities fall into three areas:

Matthew J. Brouillette is the Founder, President & CEO of Commonwealth Partners Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Inc. Matt previously served as President & CEO of the Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives for 14 years before founding Commonwealth Partners in 2016.

David E. Barensfeld is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Commonwealth Partners. David is President & CEO of Ellwood Group, Inc., in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, and a board member of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce, and the Heinz History Center, among others.

Dave Hogg is Secretary/Treasurer of Commonwealth Partners. Dave is CEO of Springwood Hospitality in York, Pennsylvania. He is a Rotarian, Member of the York County Room Tax Grant Committee, and Committee Member of York County Young Life. He is past Board Chair of the York County Convention and Visitors Bureau, past Vice President of the Logos Academy school board, among other charitable activities.

Jeff Kendall is a Trustee of Commonwealth Partners. Jeff leads the acquisition, development and operation of numerous assets and companies as managing director of Laurel Mountain Partners in Pittsburgh, PA. Jeff received a BA from Penn State, MILR from Cornell University and a JD from University of Pittsburgh, graduating magna cum laude.

Rob Shearer is a Trustee of Commonwealth Partners. Rob, along with his wife and business partner Deborah Shearer, owns and leads several companies focused on Supply Chain Logistics. Rob grew up in Pittsburgh, graduated from Central Catholic High School, received a BA from Duquesne University, and did graduate work in Economic Development and Public Policy at Gannon University.
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225 State Street, Suite 300, Harrisburg, PA 17101