News & Brews February 27, 2025

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Soros-backed DA running for judge 

Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer, who won election in 2019 with the backing of George Soros, is now running for judge on the county Court of Common Pleas. It’s an odd move—running for another office whose function is to uphold the law—given that Stollsteimer recently announced he would not fulfill his current responsibility to uphold federal immigration law. Let’s see if Soros money will once again flow to Stollsteimer’s aid.

National Dems announce entry into Pa. Supreme Court retention races

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC)—which in theory focuses on electing Democrats to state legislatures nationwide—has added Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court retention races to its 2025-2026 target map. In a news release announcing its focus this year on judicial races in both Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, DLCC stated, “These state supreme court races are top DLCC priorities because they will shape legislative election outcomes & Democrats’ ability to pass progressive policies.” By the way, “shape legislative election outcomes” means Dems want to control the courts so they can gerrymander maps to benefit Democrats. Three Democrat justices are up for retention this year in Pa. (meaning voters will vote “yes” or “no” on “retaining” these justices for additional 10-year terms). DLCC did not indicate how much national money it intends to funnel into these races.

Key points from budget hearing with the Department of Education 

Yesterday’s Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearing with the Department of Education brought several head-scratching moments. For example, while asking for more money as part of Gov. Shapiro’s proposed budget, Education Secretary Carrie Rowe had no idea how Pennsylvania’s per-student spending compares with other states (FYI: we spend several thousand dollars more per student than the national average). She also claimed only some familiarity with the proposed Lifeline Scholarship program, which of course has been central to Pa.’s education debate for several years now. See additional key points here.

Pa. schools won’t protect girls in sports

The Philadelphia School District has announced that it will defy President Trump’s executive order protecting girls from being forced to compete against biological men (and share locker rooms with them) in sports competitions. The school district embraces a policy that “gender identity typically develops between ages 3 and 5, so even kindergarten students can be confident of their gender identity.” By the way, parents, if your kids are in the Philly School District, be aware that “Philadelphia’s Policy 252 forbids school staff from disclosing a student’s chosen gender identity, even to their parents….” If there ever were an argument for universal school choice, this is it.

Why do 1/3 of Americans like socialism? 

John Stossel explores why one-third of American adults have a positive view of socialism, when the reality is “little has brought more misery” than socialism. “One reason young people support socialism,” he says, “is because their social media feeds show videos made by popular but economically illiterate people.” Stossel dives into some of the “data” offered by these folks, noting that socialism promises lots of things, but delivers something very different. With so many TikTok juveniles spouting pro-socialism ridiculousness, it’s funny how the disinformation police have been strangely silent.

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