News & Brews September 13, 2024

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Fracking foe Harris’ ‘sprint to the middle’?

The Associated Press tracks reactions to VP Kamala Harris’ campaign-timed (supposed) break with her long-held opposition to fracking. One Republican strategist “said it was notable that at a debate in energy-rich Pennsylvania, Harris chose to ‘brag about something that President Biden has barely acknowledged— that domestic fossil fuel production under the Biden administration is at an all-time high.’” Meanwhile, environmental radicals are split between disappointment at Harris’ flip-flop and such intense hatred for Trump that they’ll give Harris a pass.

Pa. median household income fell in 2023

The Post-Gazette reports that per Census data released yesterday, “median household income across the state has been sliding backward, when adjusted for inflation, since 2022.” According to the data, “Statewide, an inflation-adjusted household income of $74,753 in 2022 dropped to $73,824 in 2023, losing $929.53 in purchasing power.” Pa. was one of only four states where adjusted-for-inflation median income dropped. The others were Alaska, Delaware, and Georgia.

USPS & mail-in ballots

The Tribune-Review reports that many nationwide are concerned “over the United States Postal Service’s ability to deliver election mail this fall,” (given USPS’s track record of taking forever to deliver mail). But the story notes that some local officials are “confident” that ballots will be delivered on-time. Still, “On Wednesday, officials from the National Association of State Election Directors, National Association of Secretaries of State and 29 local election official associations sent a letter to U.S. Postmaster Louis DeJoy regarding concerns over election mail service…. The letter from the two agencies said it was sent on behalf of state and local election officials in all 50 states. It was not, however, signed by any Pennsylvania officials. Representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of State didn’t return a request for comment Thursday.”

Presidential betting market set to ‘go mainstream’

As if this year’s elections weren’t crazy enough already, thanks to a recent court ruling, election betting—which until recently was banned by the federal government—is set to ‘go mainstream’. The Wall Street Journal reports, “Starting Monday, Interactive Brokers plans to allow its users to place wagers on whether Vice President Kamala Harris beats former President Donald Trump in November…. Interactive Brokers expects to follow up by allowing similar wagers on swing-state Senate races.”

Op-Ed: ‘Balanced approach to justice & recovery’

GOP Attorney General nominee and York County District Attorney Dave Sunday (whom we are supporting) has an op-ed in the Delaware Valley Journal outlining his “belief that justice must be both firm and fair, and that every person deserves a second chance to turn their life around.” He writes, “My vision for Pennsylvania goes beyond just fighting crime and addiction. It is about creating a justice system that is fair, compassionate, and effective.”

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