News & Brews July 16, 2024

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Pa.’s U.S. reps comment on assassination attempt investigation

The Inquirer reports that several members of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation are weighing in on the investigation into Saturday’s assassination attempt against former President Trump. For example, “Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D., Pa.) who is on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence told The Inquirer in a statement that she is ‘looking forward to a formal briefing’ on Saturday’s events and that ‘the issue of safety is non-partisan and impacts all of us.’” And Republican Rep. Scott Perry stated, “America wants answers — without delay, drama, or games — and our leaders need to provide those… without delay, drama, or games.”

Neighbors reflect on victims killed or injured at Trump rally

A firefighter, former Marine, former Army reservist, husband, father, grandfather, and more. The one man killed and two men injured at the Trump rally on Saturday bore many titles. Neighbors reflected on these men. Their love of family, love for country, and more.

DNC sending nearly $2M to Pa.

Underscoring Pennsylvania’s status as a key swing state, the Democratic National Committee is sending $2 million to Pa. as part of a $15 million effort in battleground states. PennLive reports that the DNC says the money will help fund “the best coordinated campaign ground game and infrastructure that has ever been laid to this point in Pennsylvania.” Per DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, Democrats are “going to win this election by engaging voters community-by-community, block-by-block, door-by-door.”

‘Winners, losers, and toss-ups’ in the state budget

PennLive reports that the $47.6 billion state budget enacted last week “showers money across dozens of programs and agencies, but … not everyone got everything they wanted.” For example, public schools got about $1 billion more (which, of course, they’ll say is not enough). Marijuana fans didn’t get their recreational marijuana. And most kids stuck in failing schools will stay stuck there.

Undecided primary race heads to state Supreme Court

The undecided Luzerne County House GOP primary race between incumbent state Rep. Mike Cabell and challenger Jamie Walsh is heading to the state Supreme Court. After the latest tallies, Walsh leads by five votes. WVIA reports, “It’s not over because of pending appeals to the state Supreme Court. Last week, Walsh appealed Commonwealth Court rulings on six-mail-in and two provisional ballots. Cabell appealed another ruling on 22 write-in ballots.” The Supreme Court isn’t obligated to hear the appeals, and there’s “no deadline for deciding.”

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