News & Brews June 3, 2024

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School choice again at center of state budget talks

As budget negotiations are in full force this month, the Inquirer reports that “[s]chool vouchers are poised to again be a sticking point that could stall the state budget past the June 30 deadline.” Gov. Josh Shapiro is again stating his support for vouchers, while again abdicating any leadership in actually advancing the measure. Instead, he’s again saying it’s up to the Legislature to figure it out. Meanwhile, unions maintain their strong opposition to helping kids escape failing schools.

In Pa., tracking voter reactions to Trump verdict ‘will take time’

WITF reports that in a state like Pennsylvania, where both the 2016 and 2020 presidential outcomes were decided “by narrow margins,” the true impact of former President Trump’s guilty verdict may not be immediately known. Per one pollster, “It’s probably too soon for us to say the exact implications of this. But I think one thing is for sure in my mind, and that is that this adds another level of uncertainty to the race.”

Campaign finance complaint filed against Dem treasurer nominee

Three Democrats have filed campaign finance violation complaints against Democrat state treasurer nominee Erin McClelland. The complaints were submitted to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) and state Attorney General Michelle Henry. The Post-Gazette reports that the FEC complaint alleges “McClelland stopped filing reports required by the FEC related to her campaigns for Congress in 2013 and 2015, and failed to file 11 consecutive reports until the FEC administratively terminated her campaign committee.” The state AG complaint “raised concerns about Ms. McClelland’s campaign finance filings with the state for her current run for treasurer.” All three Dems filing the complaints had endorsed state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro in the primary race for treasurer.

‘Petty politics, bad regulation hinder telemedicine’

Telemedicine has changed the landscape of healthcare, expanding options and access. The Commonwealth Foundation’s Elizabeth Stelle writes, “With the added capacity telemedicine offers, medical facilities can reduce hospitalization, no-show appointments, and overhead costs. Meanwhile, patients, especially those in remote rural communities, save money on reduced travel and time away from work or school.” However, “[T]elemedicine’s legality relies on a patchwork of varying state laws. Because state laws differ, telemedicine is tricky, especially given our increasingly digital and global lifestyles.”

Fetterman removes Harvard hood at Yeshiva graduation 

For his staunch support of Israel, last week U.S. Sen. John Fetterman received Yeshiva University’s highest award, the Presidential Medallion. A 1999 graduate of Harvard Kennedy School, Fetterman wore his Harvard graduation hood for the start of his remarks at Yeshiva. But during his speech, he removed the hood, noting he’s been “profoundly disappointed” in “Harvard’s inability to stand up for the Jewish community after Oct. 7.” Commenting on the Yeshiva award, which last year went to the inventor of the Iron Dome, Fetterman said, “I don’t belong in that company, I truly don’t, I really don’t. I’m just a senator with a big mouth that happens to be committed to standing with Israel.”

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