News & Brews January 31, 2024

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Shapiro’s economic plan: Be like high-tax NJ & NY

In unveiling his 10-year economic plan yesterday, Gov. Shapiro said he wants Pa. to follow the lead of states like New Jersey and New York, seemingly ignoring that these are high-tax states that are among the 10 worst states in terms of outbound migration of residents. Yet, Shapiro is asking for millions of dollars in spending in order to increase corporate welfare handouts to specific industries that the government picks. Higher spending. Government-picked winners and losers. What could go wrong?

Pa. Lt. Gov. Davis heads to SC to help Biden

The progressive Pennsylvania Capital-Star reports that Pa. Lt. Gov. Austin Davis will be in South Carolina today “to support President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.” This continues a trend of Pa. elected officials leaving the state to campaign for Biden. “State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta (D-Philadelphia), who is seeking the Democratic Party nomination for Pennsylvania Auditor General, visited South Carolina earlier this month to promote Biden’s reelection bid. Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) and U.S. Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) have also left the Keystone State in recent months to promote the Democratic Party agenda.”

Biden’s LNG pause is ‘loss for American allies, U.S. jobs and global climate progress’

The Center Square reports that President Biden’s decision to pause “approvals for new liquefied natural gas exports to review the environmental standards used in the process” has environmentalists celebrating and energy advocates concerned. GOP Rep. Martina White, who chairs the Philadelphia LNG Task Force, said, “An LNG hub in the southeast region would have created tens of thousands of family-sustaining union jobs … we’re gonna continue to explore what the options are for us and how we can grow jobs and make sure the energy sector in Pennsylvania is expanding.” White is calling on Gov. Shapiro to urge Biden to reverse his decision. “It’s wild to think that our governor can pick up the phone and save the William Penn statue here in Philadelphia … but he can’t pick up the phone and save an entire industry in our commonwealth,” White said.

Rozzi ended auditor general campaign to focus on mental health

State Rep. Mark Rozzi, who briefly served as House Speaker last year, ended his campaign for auditor general and plans to leave elected politics at the conclusion of his House term. The Inquirer reports that Rozzi “has spent the last few months isolating himself during a particularly difficult bout of depression, a yearslong struggle caused by being sexually abused by a Catholic priest when he was a boy.” After his term ends, he plans to “work on his mental health” as well as help on a couple campaigns, including that of his ex-wife, who is running for his House seat. Rozzi said, ”The only thing I can see is what’s in front of me right now: to heal Mark. I will be good to nobody if I don’t put myself first right now and just focus on my health.”

Pa. Senate hearing today on local gov’t cybersecurity

This afternoon at 1:00 p.m., the Pa. Senate Communications and Technology Committee and Local Government Committee will hold a joint public hearing to examine “cybersecurity issues for local governments and municipal authorities.” Among those scheduled to testify are local government officials as well as cybersecurity industry professionals. Click here for the agenda and livestream.

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