News & Brews June 18, 2024

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Biden losing support among Pa. Black voters

A new Suffolk University/USA Today Network poll shows that support for President Joe Biden among Black voters in the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Michigan has fallen. PennLive reports, “While 75% of Black voters polled in both states said they voted for Biden in 2020, the Democratic president’s lead over Trump is now 56% to 11% in Pennsylvania and 54% to 15% in Michigan, according to the poll.” Those disenchanted with Biden aren’t necessarily heading to Trump, though. “Black voters in Pennsylvania forsaking Biden are favoring independent candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (7%) and activist Cornel West (8%). In Michigan, Kennedy received 8% and West received 6%.”

How nat’l SEIU-connected network is ‘bleeding’ Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Page Editor Brandon McGinley writes, “Out-of-town firms that work closely with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) have benefitted to the tune of millions of dollars from the success of progressive politicians in Pittsburgh…. In return, Pittsburgh has received nothing in particular, except the most fractious and ineffective governance the region has seen in decades.” McGinley looks at where the money is going, where it’s coming from, and how it “demonstrate[s] how Pittsburgh’s progressives are enmeshed in this machine — which vividly and ironically represents all their criticisms of the capitalistic nexus of money, influence and power.”

Survey: Low morale at Pittsburgh Public Schools

WESA reports that an employment engagement survey conducted by a human resources consulting firm shows “a lack of accountability, negativity, and a fear of innovation” inside the Pittsburgh school district. Although 85% of respondents are “very proud” of their work, responses also pointed to “a toxic culture within the organization.”

NEA accused of ignoring ‘union values’

File this one under “irony.” The unionized staff at the country’s largest union—the National Education Association (NEA)—”is accusing union management of not living up to its ‘union values’ as the NEA ‘drags its feet’ following the union’s contract with NEA expiring on May 31st.” The National Education Association Staff Organization stated, “…NEA Management is using classic union-busting tactics like running out the clock at the table, forcing staff to work on an expired contract, tiering employee healthcare and retirement benefits, and contracting outside, often non-union and for-profit vendors to do union work on behalf of our union members.”

House GOP committee to hold 3rd tax cut hearing

This morning at 10:00 a.m., the Pa. House Republican Policy Committee will hold the third in a series of hearings on the proposal to reduce the state’s personal income tax from 3.07% to 2.8% and eliminate the gross receipts tax on electricityRead more here, or click here to watch the livestream at 10:00 a.m.

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